Monday, June 15, 2009

A Shout-Out to my Mother

So as i was adding some pics to my blog today and my mom comes in- the conversation goes as follows-

Mom: "So am i on your blog?"

Me: " No not yet"

Mom: " You mean you haven't said how awesome i am yet??"
Sorry mom your are truly Amazingly Awesome!! I should have started with that!! Thank you for the late night parties you let me and my friends have at our house in which you and dad are forces into other rooms, the supply of goodies like your famous cakes (if you haven't tried these cakes you are missing out on a piece of heaven), your listening ear when i have something pointless to vent about, your love and understanding, and much much more!! Love you lots!!

1 comment:

  1. she is super cool! and yes her cakes are truly amazing... thanks for rubbing in the fact that they will never appear at my wedding. blah blah blah!
